Madfinger Games

Creators of Shadowgun War Games, Shadowgun Legends, Monzo VR and others established in 2009

Basic information

MADFINGER Games is a world-level player and dominant force in multimedia entertainment, focusing on mobile platforms. Founded in 2009, MADFINGER’S apps quickly shot to the top of the charts in sales and achieved #1 game spot in more than 100 countries. Since then, MADFINGER's games have been downloaded more than 200 million times.


Branch size
Not specified


Shadowgun War Games

2020 | iOS, Android

Shadowgun Legends

2018 | iOS, Android

Monzo VR

2017 | Gear VR, Oculus VR


2015 | iOS, Android


2014 | iOS, Android

Dead Trigger 2

2013 | PC, Windows Phone, iOS, Android

Shadowgun: DeadZone

2012 | PC, iOS, Android

Dead Trigger

2012 | iOS, Android


2011 | iOS, Android

Samurai II: Dojo

2010 | iOS

Samurai II: Vengeance

2010 | iOS, Android


2009 | iOS

Open positions in #Brnoregion

Senior Weapon Artist

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time

Senior UI Programmer

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time

Senior Gameplay Programmer - Unreal

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time

Senior AI Programmer

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time

Level Designer regular/senior

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time

Lead Technical Artist

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time

Lead AI Programmer

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time

Game Designer regular/senior

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time

DevOps Engineer

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time

Build Engineer

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time

Animation Programmer - Unreal

Location: Brno | Type of Contract: Full-time
This profile is temporarily under the administration of GameDev Area. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information.